Rev Darrow, I enjoyed hearing you read Chapter 1. I have read your book & thoroughly enjoyed it. An audiobook would be a nice addition to print. Looking forward to your next book.

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Thank you Trudy! I have given consideration to producing an audio book. I even had Joel write some theme music to use at the beginning, and recorded myself reading a few test chapters. I learned how difficult a task narration actually is, and my eyes (and ears) were opened to the skill and talent required. I've had a chat with an actual tv celebrity (who I can't name) about doing the narration, but we have not got down to details. One of the challenges is that even if he decides to donate his time, the actual recording and production is costly.

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Interesting, I hadn’t thought of those challenges. You speak so clearly & have such a nice voice. Hope in the future it can be a possibility. 📚☀️

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